
Legal notices

Contact the editorial staff

The site "www.fnac.com" is a publication of Fnac Direct, 9 rue des Bateaux-Lavoirs, 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine. France

Publication Director: Olivier Theulle

For any request concerning a product or service, for any suggestions, information, reactions concerning this site, click here .

All the commercial tabs on Fnac.com are published by FNAC DIRECT - SA with share capital: €13,583,280 RCS Créteil 377 853 536 - head office: 9, rue des Bateaux-Lavoirs - ZAC Port d'Ivry 94200 Ivry-sur-Seine cedex
Intracommunity VAT number: FR 93377853536
Publication director: Olivier Theulle.
Host: Compagnie IBM France, 17 avenue de l'Europe, 92275 Bois-Colombes Cedex, RCS 552 118 465
Tel: 01 55 21 57 93

By exception:

  • The “Marketplace” service: FNAC DIRECT acts as a technical intermediary by connecting third-party buyers and sellers. As such, FNAC DIRECT does not intervene in the choice of content posted online by sellers on the Marketplace service.
  • The "Ticketing" section is published by FRANCE BILLET, SAS with share capital: €352,512 Head office: Les Mercuriales - 40 rue Jean Jaurès, 93170 Bagnolet, - RCS Bobigny 414 948 695
    Intra-community VAT number: FR 89 414 948 695,
    The service is operated by FRANCE BILLET.
    Publication director: Arnaud Averseng
    Host: Colt Technology Services, 23-27 rue Pierre Valette, 92240 Malakoff RCS Nanterre 402 628 838
    Tel: +33 (0)1 55 21 59 40
    Some services on the Fnac.com website are also hosted and operated in partnership with service providers
  • Please refer to the specific conditions of each service.

FNAC sites and social media pages

FNAC sites or pages on social networks (such as FACEBOOK, TWITTER, GOOGLE+, INSTAGRAM, PINTEREST, etc.) are published by FNAC DARTY PARTICIPATIONS ET SERVICES,
a public limited company with capital of €324,952,656
RCS Créteil 775 661 390
VAT ID: FR 63775661390

Head office:
9, rue des Bateaux-Lavoirs – ZAC Port d'Ivry
94200 Ivry-sur-Seine
Publication director: Enrique Martinez
For all Contact: click here Tel: 01 55 21 57 93

Unique identification numbers in the national register of producers

In application of article L.541-10-13 of the environmental code, Fnac Darty Participations et Services has been assigned the following unique numbers:

  • WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment): FR001380_05Y5JM
  • Furnishings: FR036208_10LDH0
  • ABJ (DIY and gardening items excluding electrical and electronic equipment): FR231817_14NXLV
  • Toy: FR231817_12ROWP
  • Corepile (batteries): FR001380_064NZF
  • Graphic papers: FR231817_03KWFL
  • Packaging: FR219493_01JZYK
  • ASL (sports and leisure goods): FR231817_13IJBK
  • Construction Products and Materials in the Building Sector: FR231817_04LWME
  • Clothing textiles, household linen and footwear: FR231817_11FJMK

As for the Fnac Direct marketplace, it has been assigned the following unique numbers:

  • WEEE (waste electrical and electronic equipment): FR045701_05ZPQC
  • Furnishings: FR045701_10HMM
  • ABJ (DIY and gardening items excluding electrical and electronic equipment): FR045701_14VRDT
  • Toy: FR045701_12ZRZZ
  • Corepile (batteries): FR045701_06VZUT
  • Graphic papers: FR231817_03KWFL
  • Packaging: FR219493_01JZYK
  • Construction Products and Materials in the Building Sector: FR045701_04SWCU
  • Clothing textiles, household linen and footwear: FR045701_11APKP

These identifiers demonstrate that Fnac Darty Participation et Services and Fnac Direct have fulfilled their obligations to register in the producer register for each of these products and, where applicable, their obligations to declare placing on the market with the relevant eco-organizations.

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Fnac does not guarantee in any way the accuracy, precision, completeness or adequacy of the information made available on its sites, including all hypertext links or any other computer link used, directly or indirectly, from these sites.
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